The day to day ramblings of a 30 something Lancastrian. If you want to read my views on life, the great outdoors, what I am listening to and where I think people should go, then read on. If you wish to contact me please mail stewood(at)

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Subway grrr

No picture on this one as I am annoyed!!
There used to be a little toffee shop on the East Lancs, next to Moorside High. Been there for ages, years I should think.
Went past it this morning on my way to the workhouse, it now has a Subway sign on the side, and the shopfitters have kitted it out in the usual way.
What is going on in Manchester?
Why why why does it have to turn into the same as everywhere else.
Why are little shops being forced to turn into Subways.
Not happy!!!